Information Box Group

Enrollment Information Enrollment Information
Find information on Level 1 Enrollment Information, Level 2 Program Selection, and Upper Level Enrollment and Program Information.

Policies, Procedures & Forms View online resources
Access information about University policies, procedures and forms (such as the MSAF). If you have specific questions, please contact our office.

Undergraduate Calendar Explore Academic Calendar
Find information about degree programs, academic regulations and Departments and Program Offerings from the Faculty of Science through the Registrar’s office.

McMaster Academic Planner Launch the M.A.P
Use the M.A.P to explore admission requirements, course information, program options in the Faculty of Science.

Welcome to the Faculty of Science!
Scientific exploration is at the heart of what we do. Our teaching and research activities run the spectrum from the life sciences (biology, kinesiology, psychology, geography and earth sciences) to the physical sciences (chemistry, physics, astronomy, and radiation sciences) to the mathematical and computational sciences.